The Renaissance begins, according to most authors, in Italy, notably in Florence and Venice. In particular because the wealth of generous and enlightened merchants and Condotierres, bringing patronage to artists that took their inspiration and "rediscovered" classical antiquity. Called locally Rinascimento, it originated from the Trecento from the fourteenth century and gained the rest of Europe in the sixteenth century. Many date it from the fall of Constantinople in 1453, but ended at an unspecified time, some speaking of the death of Charles V in 1558. But it is especially a period marked by the great naval discoveries, maps creations, gunpowder, rudder and compass, and it is also the constitution great merchant and military empires.
On the purely naval side, we note the emergence of an emblematic vessel of that era, both building trade and war faster, the Galleon. It does not, strictly speaking, replace the Carrack, which is maintained at its side until the end of the sixteenth century. Carracks and galleons will be instruments of exploration and wealth for the Portuguese, the Spaniards and then the Dutch. This chapter also includes a transition ship of the modern age, which is no longer of the Renaissance, but classified here for convenience: The ship-of-the-line, ma-o-war, a truly military tallship and logical evolution of the Galleon. It was born at the beginning of the XVIIth century, and evolved constantly to find its culmination around 1840.
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