(FR) Naval Encyclopedia

Naval Encyclopedia est le pendant anglophone plus récent (2010) de Navistory. Une création au départ en Français pour aborder les marines de l'époque industrielles alors que Navistory se focalisait sur les marines en bois, à voile plus anciennes et y compris la voile récente. Le project à été mis en sommeil en 2012. Puis en 2016, le site à été réactivé et cette fois traduit en anglais. Depuis le site s'est considérablement étoffé. Sonb extension suite un caractère chronologique mais avance de front sur des époques différentes et aborde toutes les nations navales. Leur seul critère reste de se concentrer sur le 19e siècle, avec le début de la construction standardisée et du métal, de la vapeur est de révolutions dans le domaine de l'artillerie et autres armaments navals, jouant un rôle de premier plandans la géopolitique de l'époque.

Naval Encyclopédia avec plus de 1200 articles et près de 200 pages est l'un des sites les plus important au monde dans ce domaine, couvrant toutes les nations à toutes les époques et les classes de navires identifiés depuis 1850 à nos jours. Le site couvre aussi les technologies navales, armaments de tous types et la construction civile ou des sujets annexes comme les fortifications côtières, des types de navires civils specifiques, les stations pétrolières, l'aviation navale (maintenant une section complète) etc. Le but actuel du site, avec une date d'achêvement prévue vers 2027 ou 2028 est de couvrir l'ensemble des forces navales et de leur environnement, avec éventuellement par la suite de couvrir les projets et navires planifiés ou construits mais jamais terminés. Je vous invite à découvrir pour couvrir les aspects que navistory ne couvre pas ou très partiellement.

(EN) What is Naval Encyclopedia ?

Naval Encyclopedia is the more recent English-speaking counterpart (2010) of Navistory. A creation initially in French to address the navies of the industrial era while Navistory focused on older wooden navies, sailing and including recent sailing. The project was put on hold in 2012. Then in 2016, the site was reactivated and this time translated into English. Since then, the site has expanded considerably. Its extension follows a chronological character but advances head-on on different eras and addresses all naval nations. Their only criterion remains to focus on the 19th century, with the beginning of standardized construction and metal, steam and revolutions in the field of artillery and other naval armaments, playing a leading role in the geopolitics of the time.

Naval Encyclopedia with over 1200 articles and nearly 200 pages is one of the most important sites in the world in this field, covering all nations at all times and classes of ships identified from 1850 to the present day. The site also covers naval technologies, armaments of all types and civil construction or related subjects such as coastal fortifications, specific types of civilian ships, oil stations, naval aviation (now a complete section) etc. The current goal of the site, with a planned completion date around 2027 or 2028 is to cover all naval forces and their environment, with possibly later covering projects and ships planned or built but never completed. I invite you to discover naval encyclopedia to cover aspects that navistory does not cover or very partially.
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⚒ Tech

Naval-related technology,
associated tactics & statistics

Naval Tech
naval battles from the XIX to WW1, WW2 and cold war sea fights

⚔ Battles

Full history of naval battles,
strategies, tactics, fleets and ships

Naval Battles
merchandisiding, plans, photos, illustrations

☘ Medias

Photos, blueprints, illustrations,
and Merch to support this site !

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About Naval Encyclopedia

Naval Encyclopedia is the first online warship museum. She was laid down in St Nazaire Yard back in September 1995, launched in December 1996 and completed in March 1997, with 1000+ crew for now, and counting. Dedicated to the history of all ships of the industrial era and 20th century, so 1820 to 1990, but also earlier times. The main difference for this early period is to study ships types through some famous examples. IS ("internet ship") Naval Encyclopedia is constantly modified and upgraded since years. This current version is #7. After her last refit in 2023, the present ship is currenly in overhaul for next five years of service. The crusty hull also needed serious scrapping to regain full speed. Numerous additions over the years also leads to a complete machinery overhaul.

Other ships from the same Yard

first naval online museum